Archive for October, 2006

Blogging Survey

For Thomas‘ sake, I’m just going to answer a few questions for a survey. Please, join the survey!

1. When did you start blogging?
Mid 2005

2. Average, how often do you blog?
Variably; between once every week and about once a month.

3. How do you host your blog?

4. What blogging application/service do you use?
Happily using WordPress

5. Do you use an application to blog directly from your desktop, rather than from your blogs administration?
In rare cases, I use Flock’s built-in blogging application. I still prefer /wp-admin/post.php though :)

6. Do you use a free theme for your blog?

7. What type of blogging do you do?

8. What is your primary blogging motivation?
I think it’s fun, and I need somewhere to share my thoughts.

9. Do you care much about the amount of visitors?

10. Does the total account of visitors on your blog count more to you, than the amount of visitors who comment on your blog posts?

11. Do you use some sort of anti spam solution for your blog comments? (Such as Akismet)
Akismet, yes.

12. If you run advertisements on your blog, do you sell the ads yourself?

13. If you earn money on advertising on your blog, how much do you approximately earn per month?

14. If you are running a business blog - have it helped your business to start blogging?

15. Are you a member of a blogging network such as random shapes or 9rules?
Yes, Random Shapes.

16. If you are member of a blogging network - has it helped you noticeable in any way?
Mildly, maybe.

17. How many daily unique visitors do your blog have?
Usually between 0 and 100, but up to 200

18. Do you keep statistics of feed subscribers?

19. Do you put work into search engine optimisation for your blog?

20. Have you ever bought advertisement on other websites for your blog?

Don’t forget to leave a pingback to Thomas!

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Lasse Havelund on October 5th 2006 in Miscellaneous