Going Pro

Yes. The title was desceptive, and yes—I meant for it to be so.

Now. I bought myself a flickr pro account, to get more space for my photos and for full-size pictures. Since I purchased a Sony Ericsson K750i I’ve started using flickr much more than I used to, and it’s just brilliant.

Don’t hesitate to add me as a contact if you have a profile aswell :)

You can find my flickr here.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 16th 2006 at 6:05 pm

Blogathon 2006

I’ve decided to take part in the 2006 Blogathon event.
This means I’ll be blogging for a charity, I chose Association for International Cancer Research, mainly because a friend passed away from cancer, not long ago. He was 17 (I believe).

I’ll be writing one post every thirty minutes for twenty four hours, totalling a massive 48 blog posts in 24 hours.

I’m sure my blog’ll be the most boring, and there’s a good chance I’ll fall asleep. I’m just gonna do the whole thing standing, so if I fall asleep I’m gonna wake up when I hit the ground ;).

Right, July 29 at 9:00am, EST time (can anyone tell me what that is in UTC?). Be there–and watch me.

And please, please:

Consider making a contribution!


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 14th 2006 at 1:29 pm

Now What’s This…

Stay tuned for more info...

Stay tuned for more info ;)


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 13th 2006 at 1:25 am

Peeking out…

Peeking out


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 13th 2006 at 12:50 am

WordCamp 2006

Matt Mullenweg, the lead developer of WordPress, has announced WordCamp; and event where WordPressers meet and gather experiences, eat and discuss WordPress.

Damn I’d like to go, but it’s almost $1000 for a return flight.



Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 10th 2006 at 11:49 am

A Fresh Look

Really fresh–nice and limey.

I’ve long been a sucker for green–and I’ve long wanted to have a green WP theme–so here is a template, heavily customised from another customised template, of “Blue Kino” (I’m too lazy to sport a link).
Anyway, the site is very buggy for the time (a lot of things really annoyed me, like the Gravatars, which still don’t align properly.

You’ll have to excuse these flaws for a couple of weeks, because I’ll be on holiday from tomorrow and two weeks ahead (returning next Friday).

Thanks to Nick Dienstbier for sending the initial template and the logo and Indranil Dasgupta & Geoffrey Sneddon for helping me with various XHTML/CSS problems.

Still, various parts of the site are completely outdated (e.g. About, Colophon), and need tweaking. You’ll most likely experience a few bugs while on the site.

I don’t care; it still looks kickass.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on June 25th 2006 at 11:07 pm

Chuck Norris’ Top 10

We’ve all heard the tributes to Chuck Norris going around: here’s his personal top 10.
Thanks to Tony for the link.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on June 22nd 2006 at 2:56 pm


Well, top-of-the-list, to be infact. After being online on the WP Theme Viewer for a few days, my theme has had an overwhelming number of downloads–around 500.

Mesozoic: #01!

In other news, I just received a 10 in Maths–10 being something like A/B+ in American marks.

Oh yeah, and I’m working on a new theme I hope I can have WordPress’ified, as I’m starting to get bored with this look.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on June 21st 2006 at 7:44 pm

How Chinese Students Cheat

I thought this was pretty extreme.

Apparently, in some cases, they’re required to undergo surgery to recover from their cheating attempts–which include e.g. microscopic earphones and wireless devices.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on June 20th 2006 at 8:50 pm

Mesozoic 2.0.1

I spotted a few bugs in Mesozoic, which I fixed. Updating is highly recommendable.


* Fixed footer image being off-colour
* Fixed link to RSS2 comments url.

It can be downloaded here.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on June 18th 2006 at 4:22 pm