Archive for September, 2006

Best Blonde Joke Ever

I rarely post asides on this blog–but I thought this particular blonde joke deserved a blog post of it’s own. Thanks for the spot, topyli!


Lasse Havelund on September 24th 2006 in Miscellaneous

Windows Vista RC1

I’ve been using Windows Vista since the Customer Preview Programme back in June, where 1,000,000 beta tester slots were made public.

I was fortunate enough to be one of them.

And today, I installed the latest public upgrade; RC1.

Beta 2 has definitely felt like a beta release with quite some bugs, and a few annoyances–for example an ever-crashing graphics driver and random waking up from sleep.

This seems much, much nicer in RC1–it feels cleaner and more polished, and I haven’t had my graphics driver crash (yet).

Vista seems like it’s going to be an operating system in the same league as Apple’s OSX.

Yes, Windows Vista might very well be the first Microsoft operating system I’ll ever buy seperately, once it’s shipped (in January, I hope)–Home Premium is rumoured to cost no more than $299.00, so it won’t be that much of a hole in the pocket.


Lasse Havelund on September 8th 2006 in Miscellaneous