Blogathon: Status Report #17

I feel a bit better after having gotten breakfast. I haven’t done much else for the past hour though; except watching a few cartoons on Weebl’s Stuff. Highly recommendable.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 9:30 am

What’s on My Desk

Inspired by skenmy, I’ve decided to write what’s on my desk. Here goes.

  • 4 unopened packs of noodles
  • My pencil case
  • Our digital camera
  • A calculator
  • An empty noodlebowl (which stinks, by the way)
  • Assorted drawings–mainly sketches that’ll never actually become anything.
  • An empty coffee mug
  • My mobile phone
  • The Dukes of Hazzard, DVD (If I were to get bored last night. I’ll probably fall asleep if I try to watch it now)
  • A handful of dead batteries
  • My wallet
  • My glasses (not wearing them right now)
  • Rubber

…I really need to clean up this place.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 9:03 am

Blogathon: Status Report #16

Blogathon is running in it’s 18th hour with 6 hours, 30 minutes to go.
I’m no longer very bored, I’m just relaxing–looking out the window, watching the Matrix stroll by my laptop monitor.

Finishing the drawing was a very satisfactory experience. I don’t draw very well (as you can tell by the drawing), but I like drawing, and that one is definitely better than most of what I draw.

My mother, father and brother have now gotten up, and it’s almost time for breakfast–and I’m hungry.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 8:33 am

Unveiling of Drawing

Pardon the incredibly unintuitive title–I simple don’t have the time, nor the brainpower to think of anything.

Anyway, as promised, here’s my drawing–compared to the dummy I used (my drawing’s on the right, by the way):

Comments? Criticism? Anything is welcome.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 8:12 am

Blogathon: Status Report #15

I’m still working on this drawing, which I think is going to be awesome.
I’m using a little figurine as my model, and I’m about 80% done with it–only the tough parts left!
I’ll keep you posted. It should be done in half an hour.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 7:31 am


I’ve started drawing now, and it’s great.
I no longer feel tired, nor is my head aching anymore.

Expect a pretty drawing in an hour!

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 7:29 am


Some Weird Drawing

Damn. I am _so_ bored.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 6:57 am

Blogathon: Status Report #14

Right now, I’m feeling hyper. I don’t know why, but I am.
I’m blabbing out random things in IRC, I’m slightly twitchy and I’m prone to yell at random moments.

I must be losing it.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 6:27 am

System of a Down Lyrics

I know, I’m really desperate to find something to write about, so here goes.
A post about the band System of a Down and their lyrics–which in no way make sense.

Let me quote Chic ‘N’ Stew:

This ballgame’s in the refrigerator,
The door is closed,
The lights are out,
And the butter’s getting hard.

What a splendid pie,
Pizza-pizza pie,
Every minute, every second,
Buy, buy, buy, buy buy,
What a splendid pie,
Pizza-pizza pie,
Every minute, every second,
Buy, buy, buy, buy buy.

The rest of the lyrics from Chic ‘N’ Stew can be found here.

However, Chic ‘N’ Stew isn’t the only one; This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I’m on This Song (yes, even the title is pretty damned weird) is even more weird:

There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s something wrong with you
There’s something wrong with me
I hope your stepson doesn’t eat the fish
When we’re crying for our next fix

Or here, a few paragraphs later:

Gonorrhea gorgonzola
Gonorrhea gorgonzola
Single files of clean feedings

(The rest of the lyrics can be found here)

What is wrong with this band? And what is wrong with me for actually listening to this stuff?


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 6:11 am

Blogathon: Status Report #13

We’re now almost into the 15th hour of the Blogathon. I’m starting to wonder if I can actually do this though; I’m feeling really tired and if it weren’t for the ‘thon, I would probably have gone to bed by now.
In addition to that, I’ve gotten myself a pretty bad headache, which is really disrupting my concentration.

I’m considering taking a cold shower soon.
The past hour I’ve… well, not much. I’ve been on IRC, and that’s about it.

It’s now full daylight outside, which brings me hope–only 9 hours, 30 minutes to go :)

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 5:33 am