Really fresh–nice and limey.
I’ve long been a sucker for green–and I’ve long wanted to have a green WP theme–so here is a template, heavily customised from another customised template, of “Blue Kino” (I’m too lazy to sport a link).
Anyway, the site is very buggy for the time (a lot of things really annoyed me, like the Gravatars, which still don’t align properly.
You’ll have to excuse these flaws for a couple of weeks, because I’ll be on holiday from tomorrow and two weeks ahead (returning next Friday).
Thanks to Nick Dienstbier for sending the initial template and the logo and Indranil Dasgupta & Geoffrey Sneddon for helping me with various XHTML/CSS problems.
Still, various parts of the site are completely outdated (e.g. About, Colophon), and need tweaking. You’ll most likely experience a few bugs while on the site.
I don’t care; it still looks kickass.
Lasse Havelund on June 25th 2006 in Graphics design, Life, Web, Web design, WordPress
I thought this was pretty extreme.
Apparently, in some cases, they’re required to undergo surgery to recover from their cheating attempts–which include e.g. microscopic earphones and wireless devices.
Lasse Havelund on June 20th 2006 in Life, Miscellaneous
Last week, I had the pleasure and privilege of staying at IO Interactive, the developers of games such as Freedom Fighters and the Hitman series.
I had scheduled my internship over eight months prior, without really knowing what to expect.
How many employees would they be? How large would their office building be? What will I be doing? Where is it located?
Finally, it was time. My parents, my brother and I packed our most necessary belongings, clamped on our old caravan and headed for Copenhagen.
Here’s an extract of my stay.
Continue Reading »
Lasse Havelund on June 2nd 2006 in Games, Geeky stuff, Job, Life, Work
I’ve gotten myself a job at a signmaker!
My tasks will include cutting signs, vectorising graphics, coffee-making and plotting murders on innocent citizens.
Ah, work!
Lasse Havelund on May 3rd 2006 in Job, Life, Work