
Alpha and Beta

Most of the software I have on my computer right now is either alpha, beta or even PoC software.

It has a tendency to cause a lot of problems–crashes, lack of feature implementation, bad implementation, eyecandy flaws or security problems are all a major problem when you work with software that isn’t final.

For example, I’m running Windows Vista Beta 2. I’m posting this blogpost on Flock, which is Beta 1. I ran the flights–or RCs of Ubuntu Dapper for a long time, and I manage a lot of my photos in Beta 3 of Adobe Lightroom.

I don’t really know why; I just like to be bleeding edge.

Lasse Havelund on July 29th, 2006

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2 responses to “Alpha and Beta”

  1. Gunnar responded on July 30th, 2006 at 10:28 am | permalink

    Dude, beta 3 of Adobe Lightroom is out? Unless they call beta 3 beta 1 on Windows?

  2. Lasse Havelund responded on July 31st, 2006 at 5:23 pm | permalink

    You’re right, it’s beta 3. Post fixed :)

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