Blogathon: Status Report #10

Coming up on the 11th hour of the Blogathon: we’re almost half-way.

Right now I’m fiddling with adding navigation to see older pages at the bottom of the main index, and I’ve been looking at various blogs.
I’ve also encountered a problem with my blog: apparently, I’ve been dropped–for reasons unknown. This does not mean I’m stopping my ‘thon.

I asked in the IRC channel (teehee), and my monitor doesn’t know why; he didn’t drop me at least.
I’ll be contacting the almighty Cat to try and get back up.
Please keep your credit cards ready though–I’ll be ready to accept pledges in an hour (hopefully).

Thanks to Ulrik for pointing this out.

In other news, I’ve run out of energy drinkm and the time is now 2:37pm, so I can’t find go and buy it anywhere.

Lasse Havelund on July 30th, 2006

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One response to “Blogathon: Status Report #10”

  1. fhlrcixoq reynfmk responded on September 5th, 2008 at 2:40 am | permalink

    dpibqu rdvckul bgvwcu mloesjck fpkb oxdkcitun cqkpvatw

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