Blogathon: Status Report #12

I’m still enjoying this adventure. However, morning is setting in and the birds have been twittering for some time now, and I can definitely feel it’s getting brighter by the minute outside.

Oh yeah, and I’lll throw in a few creds to labrynth for being the most kickass monitor of the entire Blogathon!

I’ve now gone ahead and brewn my first pot of coffee, which is good–not only for keeping me awake, but keeping me warm aswell. It’s starting to get a bit cool.

Lasse Havelund on July 30th, 2006

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3 responses to “Blogathon: Status Report #12”

  1. labrynth responded on July 30th, 2006 at 4:36 am | permalink

    Thanks MenZa! Gives me courage to wanna monitor next year as well =)

  2. Elisabeth Ice Cream responded on July 30th, 2006 at 5:04 am | permalink

    aaah, the smell of fresh coffee=)

    ( Blogathon er best ikke sant!?)

  3. Lasse Havelund responded on July 30th, 2006 at 5:08 am | permalink

    Jo, det er sjovt nok :)

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