Mesozoic Tweaks

I just finished reading the feed from my theme over at the theme viewer, and I’m pretty excited; apparently a chap called Bruce has spotted a number of bugs in the theme and fixed them.

I’ll be contacting him when I’ve finished a couple of things–then I’ll release Mesozoic 2.1.

Thanks for the fixes, Bruce! For the rest of you, be sure to check out his site!

Lasse Havelund on July 30th, 2006

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One response to “Mesozoic Tweaks”

  1. p m responded on September 18th, 2006 at 1:26 am | permalink

    really looking forward to 2.1.

    planning a to finally upgrade beyond wp2.0 and switch to your template at the same time. i’m redesiging the other components of my client’s site (a shop and a gallery) in preparation.

    one question: have you tried a left-sidebar layout?

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