The Blogathon is On

This is my first post of this years’ Blogathon.
I’m supposed to be blogging for 24 hours, every 30 minutes–which, if you do the math, will end up with 48 posts.
Why? To support a charity of our choice.
Please, support my cause, the Association for International Cancer Research by clicking this link.

My first post is four minutes late, for which I apologise; I haven’t forgotten about it (my computer is a bit slow on startup).
I’m going to come up with subjects as I write–hopefully I won’t run out of ideas, or I’ll have to meme me out of it.

Every hour I’ll do one post about a thing I like, a rant–a regular blogpost, aswell as a status report.

I’ll be dedicating this Blogathon to a friend of mine who passed away from cancer at a very young age.

So… without further ado: let the games begin :)

Lasse Havelund on July 29th, 2006


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