Why I Blog

As I write this post, I don’t do it to tell you why I post–I’m doing it to find out myself.

I’d like to note I don’t really know why I blog.
One of my main reasons is probably to improve my written English. It’s above average, but not good enough.

Another would be to share my thoughts with the outside world, friends aswell as strangers.
I’ve always been comfortable online–seeing as I’ve been in communities where we played computer games from the age of eleven or twelve.

The bottomline is… I don’t know why I blog, but I hope to find out one day.

Lasse Havelund on July 29th, 2006

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2 responses to “Why I Blog”

  1. labrynth responded on July 29th, 2006 at 3:44 pm | permalink

    Hey there!

    Just wanna say that you rock and all the best for the next 24 hours!

    O(^__^)o *cheers* o(^__^)O

  2. Lasse Havelund responded on July 29th, 2006 at 3:52 pm | permalink

    Thanks for the nice words–hopefully I won’t screw up and fell asleep :)

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