Leetness on a Laptop


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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 5:08 am

Blogathon: Status Report #12

I’m still enjoying this adventure. However, morning is setting in and the birds have been twittering for some time now, and I can definitely feel it’s getting brighter by the minute outside.

Oh yeah, and I’lll throw in a few creds to labrynth for being the most kickass monitor of the entire Blogathon!

I’ve now gone ahead and brewn my first pot of coffee, which is good–not only for keeping me awake, but keeping me warm aswell. It’s starting to get a bit cool.


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 4:33 am

Mesozoic Tweaks

I just finished reading the feed from my theme over at the theme viewer, and I’m pretty excited; apparently a chap called Bruce has spotted a number of bugs in the theme and fixed them.

I’ll be contacting him when I’ve finished a couple of things–then I’ll release Mesozoic 2.1.

Thanks for the fixes, Bruce! For the rest of you, be sure to check out his site!

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 4:05 am

Blogathon: Status Report #11

We’re now over halfway in the long Blogathon, and frankly I couldn’t be happier.
This has turned out to be one of the best things I’ve ever signed up–it’s extremely fun, and you get to talk to a lot of cool people.

I finally decided to go and take a shower, after Cat recommended everyone blogathonning to go do just that.

I’ve also gotten my pledge-permissions back–it turns out Cat had mistaken my blog ID for another blog, which was dropped.
After I sent her an e-mail, I got a prompt response with an apology and a note that it was back up again–thanks for such a fast response :)

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 3:35 am

Red Orchestra Free Weekend

If you have Steam, you’ve heard of Red Orchestra.
It’s a multi-player WWII FPS, which is only available on the Steam platform.

It uses the Unreal Tournament 2003 engine, and it looks pretty spiffy.

Now the people behind it, Tripwire Interactive, have decided to let anyone with a Steam account play this for a full week–from August 2nd through 7th, just like Valve has done a few times with Day of Defeat: Source.

I’m pre-loading the game right now, and frankly, I can’t wait to try it, as I have considered purchasing it once or twice.

I’m still having problems with my Blogathon account, but I’ve sent Cat an e-mail explaining my problem. Hopefully she’ll help.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 3:02 am

Blogathon: Status Report #10

Coming up on the 11th hour of the Blogathon: we’re almost half-way.

Right now I’m fiddling with adding navigation to see older pages at the bottom of the main index, and I’ve been looking at various blogs.
I’ve also encountered a problem with my blog: apparently, I’ve been dropped–for reasons unknown. This does not mean I’m stopping my ‘thon.

I asked in the IRC channel (teehee), and my monitor doesn’t know why; he didn’t drop me at least.
I’ll be contacting the almighty Cat to try and get back up.
Please keep your credit cards ready though–I’ll be ready to accept pledges in an hour (hopefully).

Thanks to Ulrik for pointing this out.

In other news, I’ve run out of energy drinkm and the time is now 2:37pm, so I can’t find go and buy it anywhere.

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 2:38 am

The World’s Greatest T-Shirt

(No, that is not a Photoshop. The shirt is owned by Marc Shaw)

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 1:56 am

Blogathon: Status Report #09

Time for the 9th status report. The Blogathon is well into it’s 10th hour, and I positively forgot about posting a status report an hour ago.

Once again, I won one of the contests over at Kamigoroshi’s place–I’m aiming for 5 correct guesses by the end of the ‘thon.

I’m starting to feel the power of sleep (more like lack thereof), but my trusty energy drink has certainly helped me along the way.

I think I’ll start to draw soon; my latest drawing turned out spiffy, so I think I’m going to start drawing all sorts of stuff like that :)

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 1:35 am

Globally Recognised Avatars

Everyone who’s used any kind of forum or bulletin board software will know of avatars–a small icon that represents you, next to all your posts.

Gravatar is a service–not new in any way–which lets you use the same Gravatar for many sites, mostly blogging though.

What you do is go to gravatar.com, sign up for an account and upload an avatar to their servers. The avatar will appear next to your comments and posts in any gravatar-enabled CMS1

I've been using this service for some time now, and I've also incorporated it into my blog, so go ahead--sign up for one and leave a comment :)


Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 12:59 am

Aside: Banned Office XP Ad

Thilak just sent me a really cool video.
I’ll warn you, it’s not safe for work though (and sorry about forgetting the status report last time :))

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Posted by Lasse Havelund on July 30th 2006 at 12:33 am